Northeast Ohio

Know Your Soil Types In Green, Ohio

Types of Soil in Green Ohio

Different areas across the USA, as well as across Green Ohio, have different soil types. Soil type affects how grass will grow, the type of watering practices to follow, as well other factors. To better understand the lawn, it is very important to understand the soil it grows in. There are six different types of soil in Green OH:

Sandy Soils
Sandy soil can be problematic because of its texture. It is composed of large particles that are dry and gritty to the touch. Sandy soils have poor water retention because water drains through it easily. This type of soil is airy and lacks essential nutrients, prohibiting growth to many plants.

Clay Soils
Clay soil is composed of fine particles that are smooth when they are dry, when wet it can be sticky. It retains water well but drains water very poorly which can be problematic during spring time rains. Clay soils are also compacted and have little space for air to pass through. Clay soil is however rich in nutrients.

Loamy Soils
Loamy soil is a mixture of sandy, silty, and clay soils. It drains water well and it retains water and nutrients. Loamy is a fertile soil that is soft and crumbles easily and well aerated. It is a very easy soil that works great for agricultural purposes.

Silty Soils
Silty soil is made of small particles that are not grainy or rocky. When wet, silty soil is slippery and will retain water well. This soil is very good for agriculture purposes because it is extremely fertile but is easily compacted.

Chalky Soils
Chalky soil is light in color and composed of stony like particles. It is poor in nutrients and will get warm and severely dry out in the summer months. Chalky soil is very rich in lime and is alkaline.

Peat Soils
Peat soil is dark brown, soft, spongy soil that contains acidic water and is rich in organic matter. It is able to retain water, store nutrients however is not fertile. It does improve soil buffering and is often mixed into soil to improve the structure of other soils.

Know your types of soil

Summing it up, knowing which soil type you have is the key to determine which plants and which type of lawn
will be the best for you. Each type of soil has different benefits and downfalls and cannot be treated the same due to the differences in texture, compaction, as well as water and nutrient retention.

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Tips For Shrub and Tree Pruning In New Franklin, Ohio

Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Proper Pruning in New Franklin OH

Ornamental trees and shrubs can be costly to buy and to keep up, so it is always best to do what you can to take care of them and extend their life. In order to keep them healthy and strong in New Franklin Ohio. Pruning and trimming is necessary for the look and health of the plant.

The best way of knowing when to prune a tree or shrub is to know what it is and research that individual species in New Franklin Ohio. Also, asking many questions from the nursery staff can be helpful.

The first step in proper pruning of shrubs and trees is to be sure the tools used are clean and the blades are sharp. Dull blades will not cut the branches clean. It will rip it and could cause serious damage. It is recommended for most plants to make angle cuts.

Next, it is important to trim off any dead or diseased branches; although dead or dying they can suck the nutrients out of the plant.
Finally, prune the plant as recommended but be sure there is nothing overhung on a walkway or into the paths of a lawn mower. One of the most important reasons for pruning is thinning the plant enough to ensure sunlight reaches every area for even growth.

Research your trees and shrubs

Summing it up when caring for trees and shrubs, not all are created equal. Researching is the key for each particular plant. Lawn care services, tree services and nurseries are excellent resources to ask questions and get advice from.

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New Lawn Aeration In Bath, Ohio

Core Aerating in Bath Township Ohio

For decades now professional greens keepers at golf courses have known that the secret to beautiful, dense, lush grass is core aeration.

Core aeration is a lawn care practice that are hidden in plain sight in Bath Ohio. Aeration probably sounds familiar to you or maybe not, but most people have seen core aeration before. Think back to your sports fields in school. Remember all the little plugs of dirt scattered all over the field? Core aeration.

Core aeration is the process of making thousands of small holes and removing plugs from your lawn in Bath OH. The holes greatly reduces thatch and eliminates soil compaction in your lawn. Core aeration allows fertilizer, nutrients, water, fertilizer and air to reach the roots. The holes also create room for new grass seed to get under the surface of the lawn. The result will be new grass growth, as well as dramatically increased root development for the lawn. This creates a big difference in having a thicker, greener, healthier lawn. Core aeration also reduces water runoff, improves resiliency in the turf and improves drought tolerance.

Thatch is healthy and natural occurrence in the lawn. When it becomes over a ½ inch thick it becomes a major problem. Core aeration removes the plugs of soil and thatch from your lawn and deposits them back on the lawn. By plugging holes in the lawn it completely removes thatch in those areas and begins to thin the other areas of thatch in the lawn. As the core plugs melt back into the lawn, the soil mixes with the thatch and speeds up the process of decomposition. The Microbes in the plugs breakdown and start decomposing the other thatch on the lawn that are left behind.

Though some homeowners will try to aerate with spikes, core aeration is done with a gas powered core aerating machine. According to all major studies, using spikes will not work because the process doesn’t pull the plugs out. It just makes small holes in the soil, which doesn’t relieve pressure on your lawn or help with any thatch issues. The small holes will close very quickly and never allow much nutrients, water, air or fertilizer into the soil.

New Lawns And Core Aeration

New lawns need core aeration. Often, because builders just throw down grass seed without doing any prepping your soil. Then you are left with a lawn that has been trampled by heavy machinery and is compacted immediately. If your lawn is compacted, your lawn will be thin and not healthy. It's recommended to aerate your lawn twice a year. Golf courses at the very minimum core aerate at least twice a year and more than not aerate almost monthly.

Should Homeowners Hire a Lawn Care Service for Core Aeration?

In this case, unless you are set on sweating it out on your own lawn, it’s easiest to just hire a lawn care company to do this. If you want to do a DIY, you can rent a core aerator from $100 to $200 plus. To purchase one would cost you more than you want to spend plus the high maintenance they require can be a lot of work. It is best to let the lawn care professionals take care of aeration with their commercial equipment while you sit back and enjoy your beautiful lawn.

Ready to find out more?

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Information On Lawn Overseeding For Tallmadge, Ohio Residents

Lawn Overseeding & Lawn Care in Tallmadge Ohio

The right time to overseed is after you core aerate in Tallmadge OH. Aeration and overseeding go hand in hand. The seed falls into the holes left behind by the core aerator and then germinates. This process allows for the turf to thicken up and for bare spots to fill in. The new grass seed rejuvenates your turf and fills in thinned or bare areas. It also helps the overall density of the lawn and gives it a better vibrant and healthy appearance. When you preform overseeding on the lawn you will normally seed the entire lawn. If most of the lawn looks good, then why would you seed the entire lawn? It is easy, habit really pays off keys to a healthy, thick, green lawn is healthy grass plants. That may sound to obvious, but an entire industry has grown up focusing on solving turf problems. Focus instead on the grass and you will overnight eliminate eighty percent of those problems. The greatest defense against common lawn problems is a thick healthy lawn.

In order to ensure the greatest results of your aeration and overseeding service in Tallmadge OH. Follow a few simple watering and mowing instructions for success after overseeding. Proper watering is critical to the successful germination and establishment of new turf grass. Once moistened, the seed should be kept moist until it becomes established in your lawn. Unless there is steady rainfall, this will require being watered daily. Grass blades are made up of a great deal of water.

  • Water the seed thoroughly after seeding for no less than one half hour per day. This will establish good soil moisture and wash the seed into the soil. Germination will occur in 6 to 14 days depending on soil type, soil temperature and adherence to water recommendations. The grass seedlings will emerge from the aeration holes. The majority of seedling failures are the result of failure to keep the seed moist.
  • When mowing continue to cut the lawn as the grass is established. Recommended mowing height is 3.5 to 4 inches. Do not let the grass get too long between mowing, try never to remove more than 1/3 of the blade during each mowing. Always use sharp blades to reduce rough cuts and pulling on the new grass, which will stress. Do not bag the grass let the clippings return to the lawn. Water lightly before mowing to keep seed down during mowing.

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Hudson, Ohio Did You Know Gardening Can Help Your Health?

Five Health Benefits Of Gardening At Home In Hudson Ohio

Whether it would be gluten free dining out options in Hudson Ohio or farm to table restaurants, with every new health movement that emerges, one truth always stays the same. Nothing ever beats vegetables grown in your very own garden. Homegrown produce offers an incredibly high nutritious alternative to the processed foods we encounter everyday. What you may not know is that gardening itself can offer a wide array of health benefits also. If you have been looking for the motivation to start your own garden, then look no further. These surprising benefits of gardening can have for your health should give you the perfect excuse to start a garden today in Hudson OH.

1. Boost your brain

Gardening involves and strengthens many of our most critical mental functions like dexterity, problem solving, and mental awareness. Multiple research studies have suggested that daily gardening not only has a large positive impact on dementia patients, but that it can also reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's by as much as fifty percent.

2. Stop stressing today

We have all had experience struggling with the everyday stress in life. Stress can take many years off your life and severely effect your happiness. Getting out in the garden at the end of the day can greatly reduce stress you feel daily. Studies have shown that growing plants from seeds encourages positive thought and improvement to your self esteem. It will even reduce the levels of stress creating hormones in your blood.

3. Healthy heart

Gardening will help keep you active for more time during the week while you do something you enjoy. Not only that, but because it reduces stress and keeps your heart pumping healthily, gardening can decrease your risk for a variety of heart related issues including heart attacks, heart disease, strokes and diabetes.

4. Strengthen in your defense

Not only does gardening allow you to soak up more of the sun strengthening Vitamin D, but the soil will help improve your immune system to fight off sicknesses. From getting dirt under your fingernails to breathing healthy bacteria, the nutrients of your garden can help to alleviate symptoms of allergies and asthma that are associated with an over-stressed immune system.

5. Sound sleep

Spending time out in your garden tires you out and allows you to use up the extra energy you have. When you combine the hard working of gardening with it’s stress and anxiety lowering benefits. Then it comes down to you getting a better night sleep and more relaxing dreams. When you sleep better, you’ll feel more alert and enjoy a more positive attitude and who couldn’t benefit from that?

Gardening is can be hard work, but gives you something you can ultimately be proud of. Having beautiful landscaping and lawn to match your new garden ensures your home will give off a great first impression to visitors. With all the hard work you put into your gardening, you might consider hiring a professional to keep your lawn perfectly manicured, so you can relax and enjoy your beautiful landscape!

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Tips For Uniontown Residents For Eliminating Patches and Weeds

Preventing Patches & Weeds In Your Grass In Uniontown Ohio

Nothing makes your the lawn look bad quite like big noticeable brown patches or weeds in Uniontown OH. Your lawn should be green, lush, and vibrant. When you do not keep up with your lawn maintenance, it will start to look a little worse for wear unfortunately. If you notice brown patches and weeds in your yard, we can help you get rid of them or we can give you some tips on how to prevent them IN Uniontown OH.

Brown Patch

Brown Patches is a fungal disease that causes large circle like areas of dead grass. The way to prevent this disease from consuming your lawn is to keep it as cool and dry as possible.


Only water your grass when it needs it. It is also best to water your lawn in the morning between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. If you water your lawn in the evening or night, the water may just sit at the surface rather than get absorbed into the soil. If water sits on your lawn, it will encourage the growth of disease. Water on the surface of your lawn will invite Brown Patch.

Removing Leaves

Leaves can lead to fungus, so always try and keep them off your grass. Removing the leaves is particularly important in the fall when leaves are falling more frequently.


Keep a special eye on areas in the lawn that don’t get a lot of sunlight. Shaded areas will not absorb water as quickly because the soil never gets really hot. When the soil doesn’t absorb water, fungus can start to grow. You might have to look into ways to drain these areas in the lawn.

Watching Your Step

If you have Brown Patch, do not walk on it. Fungal diseases spread easily and you can affect other areas and spread it in the lawn.

Pet Urination

Pet urination is a common cause of patchiness in lawns. If you have pets, be sure to take them for a walk and try to have them urinate elsewhere.

Weeds and Crabgrass

Dandelions, crabgrass, clover and other weeds can quickly take over your yard. Once they get established they can be hard to get rid of, but remember that a healthy lawn will always naturally fight off weeds.


If you only have a few weeds and want to pull them by hand, make sure you get the roots of the weed. Otherwise the weed will come right back. It is best to pull weeds after it rains because wet roots come out of the soil easier.

Proper Mowing

Set your lawn mower to a high setting. Tall grass means thick healthy grass, and this provides shade in the soil so weed seeds can not germinate and grow. You should never mow below 3.5 inches.

Deep Watering

Only water your lawn when you have to, and water the lawn deeply. A deep watering encourages your grass roots to grow deeper into the soil, and this helps your grass stay healthy.

Core Lawn Aeration

Aeration is when you create thousands of small holes across your yard and deposit the cores from these holes on top of the grass. These small holes help oxygen, water, nutrients and fertilizer get to the roots of your grass. When the roots have easy access to these nutrients the grass will thrive. All lawns get compacted fairly quickly and aerating will also eliminate compaction and remove thatch. Aeration does amazing things for a lawn and is a great way to boost the look and health of your lawn.

Need Help? Hire a professional

There are a lot of benefits to having a beautiful, healthy lawn at your property. Healthy lawns improve the look and value of your home. A healthy lawn can prevent diseases and weeds from coming in and destroying the hard work you have invested into your lawn. While it is great to have a beautiful lawn, it does takes a lot of time and effort to keep it maintained. Proper professionals will have access to products the public does not and have the knowledge and equipment to take care of your lawn properly and quickly.

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
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Cuyahoga Falls Residents Rid Yourself Of Nuisance Weeds

Do Not Feed the Weeds in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

One of the less glamorous lawn care chores is dealing with unsightly weeds in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. Nuisance weeds are more than just a pest in your landscape, they can do some serious damage if left unchecked. Follow these tips to help eradicate weeds in your lawn and landscape, so you can spend less time on in the dirt and more time enjoying a weed-free landscape in Cuyahoga Falls OH:

  • Most of your lawn includes weed seeds that just have not germinated yet. Avoid tilling your soil often to avoid putting these unseen weed seeds into fertile soil to keep more from popping up.
  • Making mulch your friend can be important. Besides the fact that mulch is gorgeous to look at, did you know that it can also help with controlling the weeds? Weeds need the sunlight to germinate and grow, and covering portions of your landscaping with mulch stops weed seeds from getting that light. Bonus with more mulch means less grass to mow and treat!
  • When you keep your plantings closer together in your landscape beds. You reduce the space between the plants in your garden, the weeds will have less space to grow and more competition for nutrients, water and sunlight.
  • Hiring a professional to provide lawn treatments to your grass can eliminate the hard work of combating weeds and crabgrass in your lawn. It will also guarantee a professional job of the treatments is performed with no hard work on your end. Usually at a price comparable or cheaper than buying the products and equipment yourself. Using proper weed control is crucial for the health and beauty of your lawn.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
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