Surface Pest

Flea and Tick control for Kent, Ohio

Fleas and Ticks 

Fleas and ticks are two of the most frequent pet care concerns for Americans. Kent residents remember prevention is the best defense against these parasites. It is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of fleas and ticks so you can help your pets.

Fleas are the most common external parasite to plague pets. They are wingless insects that feed on blood and they can jump up to two feet high.

Fleas can live for as few as 2 weeks or as long as 12 months and during this time they can produce millions of offspring.

Pets and Fleas

Symptoms of dogs with fleas.

Fleas are most commonly noticed on a dog’s belly, the base of the tail and the head. Common symptoms of fleas on dogs are:

  • Flea dirt in a dog’s coat that looks like a small dark grains of sand
  • Eggs that look like tiny white grains
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Excessive scratching or biting at skin
  • Hair loss
  • Scabs and hot spots
  • Pale gums
  • Tapeworms

Symptom cats have of fleas

If you see your cat scratching often then invest in a fine tooth comb and run it through their fur. Pay attention to the neck and the base of the tail when looking for the fleas.

  • Flea dirt in a dog’s coat that looks like a small dark grains of sand
  • Flea eggs that look like tiny white grains
  • Itchy and irritated skin
  • Excessive scratching
  • Chewing and licking
  • Hair loss
  • Tapeworms
  • Pale lips or gums

The Causes of Fleas

  • Fleas are easily brought in from the outside.
  • Fleas thrive in warm and humid climates at temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees.
  • Adult fleas spend most of their lives on pets laying eggs in the fur.
  • These eggs drop out everywhere and hatch into new adult fleas. Then in turn find their living host either human or animal.

Flea facts

  • Fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, which causes anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time.
  • This is especially problematic in young puppies or kittens. When an inadequate number of red blood cells can be life threatening to your pet.
  • Some pets have a sensitivity to the saliva of fleas, which can cause an allergic reaction known as flea allergy dermatitis.

Flea treatments

Consult your local Kent area vet if you suspect your pet has fleas. It is important that all of your pets are treated for fleas and that the environment is treated as well. Once your vet confirms fleas, a treatment plan may include the following:

  • Topical or oral treatment on the pet
  • Thorough cleaning of your home including carpets, rugs, bedding and upholstery. Severe cases may require using a spray or a fogger in the home.
  • Lawn treatments will be needed so your pet will not keep getting re-infected every time it goes outside.

Flea Prevention

  • Use a flea comb on your pet and wash their bedding once a week.
  • Keep the outside of your house free of organic debris, such as rake clippings and leaves, and always remember that fleas like to hide in dark, moist, shady areas.
  • The best prevention is to keep regular lawn treatments applied outside during flea season.



Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of unlucky animals, such as cats and dogs. Like mites and spiders, ticks are arachnids. Although their presence may not even be noticed by a host, ticks can transmit many diseases.

Tick Transmission

  • Most species of ticks require blood meals from a host for its survival.
  • Ticks bury their head into a host when they bite and then gorge themselves on blood.
  • Ticks tend to be most active in late spring and summer and live in brush or grass, where they can attach to a host. Which makes cats and dogs a prime candidate.
  • Can be transferred from pets coming into the household from outside.
  • Ticks prefer to attach close to the head, neck, ears or feet, but can be found elsewhere also.
  • Ticks are particularly prominent in warm climates and certain wooded areas of the Northeast.

How do I find out if my pet has ticks?

  • Most ticks are visible by eye. Ticks are often the size of a pinhead before they bite, and are not noticed until they swell with blood.
  • While these parasites rarely cause obvious discomfort, it is a good idea to check your pet often if you live in an area where ticks are prevalent.
  • Run your hands carefully over your pet every time he comes inside. Especially check inside and around the ears, head and feet.

Complications that can be associated with ticks

  • Blood loss
  • Anemia
  • Tick paralysis
  • Skin irritation and infection
  • Lyme Disease
    • Lyme disease is an infection than can affect humans, dogs, and cats.
    • Its primary carrier is the deer tick. They can attach to a dog or human and transmit the bacteria that cause the disease.
    • Signs of Lyme disease include depression, swelling of the lymph nodes, loss of appetite, fever, swollen, painful joints and even kidney failure.
    • Lyme disease is mostly effective treated with antibiotics.
    • With prompt and proper treatment, your pet’s condition should start to improve within a couple of days.


Tick treatment

If you do find a tick on your pet, it is important to take care when preforming the removal. Any contact with the tick’s blood can potentially transmit the infection to your pet or even to you. Prompt removal is necessary by following these step-by-step tick removal instructions:

Step 1: Preparation

  • Put on latex gloves so you’ll never have direct contact with the tick or your pet’s infected area.
  • Because throwing the tick in the trash or flushing it down the toilet will not kill it, you should prepare a  jar containing rubbing alcohol to put a tick in after removal. This allows you to hold it for veterinary testing.
  • If possible find a partner to help you distract and comfort your pet and hold them still during removal.

Step 2: Remove

  • Using a pair of tweezers, grab the tick as close to the animals skin as possible.
  • Pull straight upwards with steady, even pressure and place the tick in your jar.
  • Don't twist or jerk on the tick. This may leave parts embedded in your pet, or cause the tick to regurgitate ineffective fluids.
  • Do not squeeze or smash the body of the tick, because its fluids may contain infection.

Step 3: Disinfect & watch

  • Disinfect the bite area and wash your hands with soap and water immediately, even though you were wearing gloves.
  • Sterilize your tweezers with alcohol or discard them.
  • Monitor the bite area over the next few weeks for any signs of infection, look for redness or inflammation.
  • If infection occur bring your pet and your jarred tick to your vet.

Tick prevention

  • Many products on the market that treat fleas also kill ticks. Speak to your vet about the best product.
  • Ensure a tick-free lawn by mowing it regularly, removing tall weeds and making it inhospitable. Prevention is key and regular lawn treatments applied outside during tick season is a great prevention also.


Ready to find out more about flea and tick control?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Mountains or Mole Hills? Identifying moles and voles in Akron, Ohio.

Moles and Voles in The Lawn


Moles and voles are indeed a pest that cause many problems when they live in our lawns in Akron OH and gardens with their tunnels.

They makes tunnels all through out your landscape very quickly once they are established. You will also see mounds of dirt where they exit. Many times you will only feel lumps and the lump is actually a tunnel. In mulched beds they can be extremely destructive, the tunnels will actually raise up the soil under a plant as the pest passes through, making an unsightly bed. Sometimes young plants in a flower bed will literally disappear below the soil surface. In the lawn other than the obvious ridges and hill mounds that make the lawn unsightly and kill the lawn. Even deeper tunnels can kill the roots of the turf to make quite the design in your lawn.

Other than having similar names, voles and moles have very little in common. They are two entirely different pests, yet very often confused. Moles are better known pest, but it may actually be a vole causing the damage especially in your gardens and flower beds.

Appearance: Is it a mole or a vole?

Moles are generally 5 to 7 inches in length, gray to dark brown in color. They are not rodents and have a long, naked snout, no external ears and can tunnel 1 foot per minute. Their eyes are buried in their fur to protect them. They are often seen because they live and feed underground and like moist or loose soil. Since they do not eat plants, their landscape carnage is really the incidental damage of tunnels  dug in lawns searching for food. However, tunnels may cause damage to plants when they create paths around root systems. Another objection from homeowners when mowing the lawn is dirt that is mounded up in a rounded volcanic shape known as a molehill.

Voles are indeed a rodent looking much like mice with shorter tails. Voles are usually 5 to 7 inches long also and may be black, gray or brown. Voles have eyes and ears that can be easily seen. They can either burrow or use old mole tunnels. Between burrow openings, they will create surface runways about the size of a broomstick that you can see. They stay in nests above ground, coming out to eat day and night.


Diet and Habits

The mole’s diet is almost exclusively earthworms and grubs, with very few insects. Voles are plant eaters or herbivores. They feed on grasses, flowers, vegetables, bulbs and seeds. In the winter when food is hard to come by, they may eat bark from trees and shrubs.

Moles are not social mammals, seeking each other out at only mating time. There are generally 4 to 7 per litter and their life span is 2 to 3 years.

Voles are prolific reproducers that can quickly colonize your entire yard. Their life span is only about 16 months, so they have to make up for it by having 3 to 6 young at a time with only a 21 day gestation period. Because they reproduce so very quickly, eat so many different things, and are good at hiding, they can do much damage before you figure out the problem.

The only beneficial thing someone could say about a mole that they consume large numbers of grubs. Although in the quest for those grubs they do severe damage to the lawn which is just counter productive. A vole has zero arguments on any benefits.

The methods of control in Akron Ohio for both moles and voles is quite similar, but there is no one & done solution.


Problems with Moles or Voles?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.


When thinking of Ohio lawn care here in our local communities in Northeast Ohio there are many factors to consider.

  1. Our grass species – There are many different kinds of fescues found in our neighborhoods, some of the most popular are fine fescue, tall fescue and creeping fescue. Other species found include zoysia, bentgrass, ryegrass and kentucky bluegrass.
  1. Soil types and conditions – We have many different soils found in our area but many if not almost all of us have at least some clay soil. Clay is a soil that is made of mostly clay particles. There is no doubt that Northeast Ohio communities were built on top of a huge mounds of clay that becomes stone like hard, cracks when dry and nothing much likes to grow in it. Among other negatives, clay soil is very slow draining and takes more time to warm up in spring than other soils. In winter it heaves and it leans towards alkalinity in ph. Clay soils are so very compacted that plants root systems are unable to access essential oxygen required for growth.
  2. FertilizationFertilizer has three major components nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, The three numbers you always see on bags of fertilizer indicate the levels of these components on the bag in that order. Certain times of the year and different species of turfgrass require different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Weed control – Here with Ohio lawn care we have thousands of different kinds of invasive weeds. Many weeds we find in a lawn are hard to kill and require specific types of weed control instead of a broad spectrum application. To name a few of these weeds that require specific products: thistles, wild violets, knotweed, prostrate spurge, plantain buckhorn, ground ivy, foxtails, wild onions and yellow nutsedge.
  4. Climate zone – Here in Northeast Ohio we span across three different climate zones: 5b, 6a and 6b. For this amount of land area in Northeast Ohio it is unique to have that many different climate zones. For example in Central Ohio in The Columbus area they only have one zone 6a. It is due to our varying elevations we have, lake effect and the jet stream. It is very important to know your zone in relevance to lawn care and landscaping. So you will have the knowledge to understand what to plant and how to care for it.
  5. Soil ph – Soil ph is the alkalinity or acid levels found in your soil. Certain plants and grass thrive in different levels of soil ph. Applying the right or wrong products to certain ph levels can make all the difference for your lawn or landscape.
  6. Weather – When it comes to weather in Ohio lawn care products. There are certain products that need to be applied when the turfgrass is wet or dry. Also there are applications that would not be effective when it is to cold. Applying certain products when it is to hot or dry can damage or kill your lawn.
  7. Core AerationCore aeration is a popular practice here with Ohio lawn care. It pulls cores of soil from your lawn. Pulling these cores with a core aerator will allow water, nutrients, air and fertilizer reach your lawns root zone. Other benefits include alleviating soil compaction and thatch in the lawn. For a terrific lawn practicing core aeration is a must in Northeast Ohio and is recommended to be done once a year.
  8. Lawn pest – Lawn pests can destroy a lawn and one of the most popular everyone should know is grubs and there is many different species of grubs found locally. Other lawn pests found here people do not here often about, but remain to still be a large problem in our lawns are: billbug, sod webworms and chinch bugs. The best action against these pests is proactive treatments instead of reactive treatments.
  9. Watering – Proper watering of your lawn and proper drainage is a must for a beautiful lawn. To little or to much water for your turfgrass can cause damage or even death.
  10. Lawn diseases – The are many lawn diseases associated with Ohio lawn care such as: red thread, dollar spot, yellow patch, necrotic ring, pythium blight, melting out, fusarium blight and many other diseases. The best way to fight lawn diseases is with cultural practices and proactive treatments. Many diseases once established can be very difficult to eradicate.
  11. Soil temperatures – Soil temperatures are very important in Ohio lawn care, they tell you when to or not to plant grass seed. Soil temperatures also dictate when to apply fertilizers, weed and insect control products.
  12. Timing of treatments and proper rates – Having the proper timing of treatments is very important here in Northeast Ohio. Since we have a shorter season than most of the United States it makes the windows for applications smaller and harder to hit. Proper rates with applications can be the difference in a great looking lawn or much worse.

So in review all the variables of performing Ohio lawn care can be a difficult task. It's always a great idea to leave proper lawn care to a state certified lawn care specialist if you do not have the time or knowledge. Many times hiring a professional can be very comparable in price as doing it yourself and they have access to products that a non state certified person wouldn't have.

Best Lawn Care Services in Canton, Ohio

For many homeowners it is finally time to admit it in Canton Ohio. Your lawn needs more time than you can give it right now and you are ready for some professional help from a local lawn care company. But how do you find the best lawn care services that you require? You have googled “lawn care.” But there are so many lawn care companies out there, with no idea of who will be the best lawn care service for you. How do you select the best lawn care services for your lawn? Hopefully the following information will help point you to the best lawn company for the job.

What type of lawn care services does my property need?

Lawn Mowing - If your turf is in good shape, may be that all you need is basic lawn mowing service. Most mowing companies offer weekly mowing services where the mow, trim and blow off all hard surfaces. Usually their commercial equipment will leave a better cut than residential equipment. Professional mowing services will stripe the lawn for a great look and they will know what heights to mow at during certain times of the year to make the grass healthy and look great.

Troubleshooting a lawn that requires some sort of lawn treatments - When you notice that your lawn is looking less than great. Maybe the turf is patchy looking or discolored. It is time to call in a great local lawn care company to evaluate the situation. Lawn care experts are trained to identify and diagnose all lawn problems.

Remedy - Based on their evaluation of your turfs needs, a professional lawn care company should be able to offer an remediation plan, which may or may not include one or more of these treatments for the lawn:

  • core aeration of your lawn (if your lawn's soil is compacted or to thick in thatch, removing small “cores” of the lawns soil will allow oxygen, water, and fertilizer to reach the grass roots)
  • treatment of lawn pests and weed control
  • eradication of lawn diseases

How do I choose the best lawn care services in Canton OH?

Look for lawn care companies with good local references

The lawn company you hire should be licensed wherever required by law and if applying treatments to your lawn should be a licensed with the Ohio Department of Agriculture

Anyone working on your property or lawn should be insured with business liability and property insurance coverage. For your protection and theirs.

If you can get three estimates and compare the prices and services they offer.

Make sure that your lawn contractor knowledgeable and familiar with the particular species of grass and conditions associated with your property.

Akron Ohio, Do you want to defeat grubs?

Defeating Grubs & Saving Your Lawn in Akron Ohio

Grubs are public enemy # 1 when it comes to insects that can damage your lawn in Akron Ohio. They can destroy huge portions of healthy lawns in a matter of days or weeks. They are larvae of different kinds of beetles, including Japanese and Masked Chafer Beetles. They feed on grass roots killing the grass in large patches. White grubs will become active when the soil warms up, and they destroy lawns from late spring to early fall. The only way to effectively get rid of grubs and keep them out is yearly treatments.


It is not hard to tell that grubs have invaded your yard. But by the time you see the evidence, it may be way too late. The grass appears to wilt and turns brown in large, irregular patches in the lawn. Brown areas of grass roll up smoothly like a carpet would. Birds and animals may be digging in the lawn. Milky white grubs from 1/8″ to 1″long, with brown heads and three pairs of legs, lie curled in the soil.
To find out if you have a problem, peel back a square foot of turf. If you see six or more of them, it’s time for immediate action. You want to apply your lawn treatment when grubs are newly hatched or before. That’s because they’re easier to control when they are small.


By taking some steps to prepare your lawn before treating it, you can make it easier for the treatment to work in the lawn. That’s why it helps to mow your lawn before a treatment.
Also, if you have more than a half an inch of thatch, it could get in the way of the treatment. You’ll want to core aerate your lawn first.


Grubs are a formidable opponent, but with some knowledge of their life cycle and the right treatments, you can gain the upper hand and take back your lawn.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

North Canton, Ohio residents ask, what can a healthy lawn do for me?

In North Canton Ohio You will be surprised what a healthy lawn can do for you

A well maintained lawn can help to provide a healthy, pleasant environment for you, your family and your community in North Canton OH. Here are some interesting facts about lawns that you may not be aware of and will be glad you learned about in North Canton OH:

• A 50' x 50' healthy lawn will produce enough daily oxygen for a family of four.
• Grass is a natural air conditioner by absorbing the suns heat it creates.
• Grass cleans the air, absorbing pollutants and returns pure oxygen in exchange to the air.
• A healthy green lawn naturally deters allergy-causing weed pollen.
• Biting and stinging insects are found less often in lawns that are in good health and are free of weeds.
• Noises are reduced in areas where lawns are present. Because soft surfaces absorb sound, while hard surfaces reflect it.
Thick turf filters surface water before it returns to ground water supply.
• Grass is as a natural barrier for soil erosion caused by wind and water.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Tips For Uniontown Residents For Eliminating Patches and Weeds

Preventing Patches & Weeds In Your Grass In Uniontown Ohio

Nothing makes your the lawn look bad quite like big noticeable brown patches or weeds in Uniontown OH. Your lawn should be green, lush, and vibrant. When you do not keep up with your lawn maintenance, it will start to look a little worse for wear unfortunately. If you notice brown patches and weeds in your yard, we can help you get rid of them or we can give you some tips on how to prevent them IN Uniontown OH.

Brown Patch

Brown Patches is a fungal disease that causes large circle like areas of dead grass. The way to prevent this disease from consuming your lawn is to keep it as cool and dry as possible.


Only water your grass when it needs it. It is also best to water your lawn in the morning between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. If you water your lawn in the evening or night, the water may just sit at the surface rather than get absorbed into the soil. If water sits on your lawn, it will encourage the growth of disease. Water on the surface of your lawn will invite Brown Patch.

Removing Leaves

Leaves can lead to fungus, so always try and keep them off your grass. Removing the leaves is particularly important in the fall when leaves are falling more frequently.


Keep a special eye on areas in the lawn that don’t get a lot of sunlight. Shaded areas will not absorb water as quickly because the soil never gets really hot. When the soil doesn’t absorb water, fungus can start to grow. You might have to look into ways to drain these areas in the lawn.

Watching Your Step

If you have Brown Patch, do not walk on it. Fungal diseases spread easily and you can affect other areas and spread it in the lawn.

Pet Urination

Pet urination is a common cause of patchiness in lawns. If you have pets, be sure to take them for a walk and try to have them urinate elsewhere.

Weeds and Crabgrass

Dandelions, crabgrass, clover and other weeds can quickly take over your yard. Once they get established they can be hard to get rid of, but remember that a healthy lawn will always naturally fight off weeds.


If you only have a few weeds and want to pull them by hand, make sure you get the roots of the weed. Otherwise the weed will come right back. It is best to pull weeds after it rains because wet roots come out of the soil easier.

Proper Mowing

Set your lawn mower to a high setting. Tall grass means thick healthy grass, and this provides shade in the soil so weed seeds can not germinate and grow. You should never mow below 3.5 inches.

Deep Watering

Only water your lawn when you have to, and water the lawn deeply. A deep watering encourages your grass roots to grow deeper into the soil, and this helps your grass stay healthy.

Core Lawn Aeration

Aeration is when you create thousands of small holes across your yard and deposit the cores from these holes on top of the grass. These small holes help oxygen, water, nutrients and fertilizer get to the roots of your grass. When the roots have easy access to these nutrients the grass will thrive. All lawns get compacted fairly quickly and aerating will also eliminate compaction and remove thatch. Aeration does amazing things for a lawn and is a great way to boost the look and health of your lawn.

Need Help? Hire a professional

There are a lot of benefits to having a beautiful, healthy lawn at your property. Healthy lawns improve the look and value of your home. A healthy lawn can prevent diseases and weeds from coming in and destroying the hard work you have invested into your lawn. While it is great to have a beautiful lawn, it does takes a lot of time and effort to keep it maintained. Proper professionals will have access to products the public does not and have the knowledge and equipment to take care of your lawn properly and quickly.

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.