Organic Lawn Care in Medina & Hinckley Ohio


At Akron Canton Lawn Care have everything your lawn will need in Medina and Hinckley OH to look great. We do things just a little bit differently than most of the companies that you may be used to hearing about. Our Organic Lawn Care Based Service creates healthy turf with superior products.

We have found that if we use organic fertilizer appropriately, improve the soil conditions and use pre-emergents to control crabgrass that significantly minimize stress we can create beautiful, healthy lawns. We never completely blanket weed control and only target weeds with a low impact product.

A soil that's alive with biological activity creates the perfect organic environment for consistent growth, color, resistance to disease, a deeper and stronger root system. With incredible resistance to insects and environmental extremes like heat or drought. Organic fertilizer is a great chose for your turf. In addition to our organic lawn care program we also offer many additional services to help your lawn look it’s best.

Our Organic Lawn Care Program that feeds your turf, but converts your soil into an environment that is rich with organic matter and biological activity. The program is based off treatments scheduled approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart. We also recommend pairing the program with lawn core aeration to bring out the best in your lawn. Our Program is exactly what your family needs when it comes to having a healthy lawn and peace of mind in Hinckley and Medina Ohio.

Ready to get started?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services (330) 933-2222 or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Ready to find out more?

Would you like to learn more about Organic Lawn Care? Follow this link to find out more.

| Organic Lawn Care | Medina, OH | 44233 | 44256  | Hinckley, OH |