Mowing habits for a great lawn.
We have discussed this topic many times before, but because it is SO important we wanted to talk about it once again.
Mowing is a very time consuming practice. Regular mowing with a sharp blades at the proper height will significantly help your lawn grow vigorously and maintain adequate density. Proper mowing habits contribute to a healthy green lawn and minimal weeds. You should leave your grass clippings on your lawn to contribute to lawn nutrition. Typically lawns in Ohio are Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fescues.
- For a typical residential Ohio lawn, maintain a height of 3.5 inches or higher.
- Taller grass snuffs out weed seeds and keeps soil cooler. Which helps the lawn against disease and heat stress.
- Taller grass will give your lawn longer roots and greater ability to withstand drought and reach more and better nutrients.
- Remove no more than 1/3 of the leaf tissue everytime you mow.
- Mowing short or scalping results in stress to the grass. Weak grass plants will take much longer to recover.
- Mowing too short allows weed seeds to get more sun and lets germination occur.
Leaving your clippings on the lawn
- Decomposed grass clippings add the equivalent of one fertilizer application to your lawn each year.
- Decomposed clippings improve soil quality and will minimize runoff.
- Leaving clippings on your lawn improves carbon in your soil.
- If your clippings are too long, mulch by mowing several times.
Mower blades
Make sure your lawnmower blades are sharp.
- Dull blades leave torn edges and plants are more susceptible to diseases.
- Clean cut grass blades are able to conserve water.
When should I stop mowing?
Keep mowing until the lawn stops growing.
Keep your lawn always healthy and growing
- Proper mowing height improves the lawn's ability to tolerate stress caused by heat and drying winds.
- Change the direction of mowing constantly to promote upright shoot growth.
- If it is possible, mow at right angles every other time.
- Alternating mowing patterns will prevent scalping, breaking down crabgrass products barriers and soil compaction.