One of the easiest ways to promote a healthy and happy lawn is to practice proper mowing habits. Also known as proper cultural practices. We recommend you follow these cultural practices.

Always Keep Mowing High

The ideal mowing height for Fescue is 3.5-4 inches. We recommend always keeping the mower deck at the highest possible setting on your lawn mower. Check the mowing height by placing a ruler in your lawn and measure the grass from the soil to the tip of the leaf blade right after it is mowed. Mowing tall makes a thicker lawn and creates deep roots for the turf. More leaf material results in superior photosynthesis and allows the grass to fully mature and create more roots in the soil. Also a thick and tall lawn will drastically reduce weed competition.

Sharp Mower Blades

It is also important to be sure the lawn mower always has sharp blades. Mowing with a dull blades will result in shredded leaf blades. This causes the lawn to have a tan or brown hue. It can also stress the turf, which may lead to further more severe issues. Monitor the sharpness of the blades often and sharpen or replace the blade when needed. This can be done by yourself or by a professional mower shop.

Timing Your Mowing

Fescue is a cool-season grass, this means most of the growth occurs during the spring and fall months during the season. Mowing frequency will need to increase during those times of the year. It is very important to mow often enough to ensure that no more than one-third of the grass blade is removed at a time. Removing too much leaf material at once can damage the plant. Fescue will not be growing as rapidly during the summer. Mowing frequency should be reduced to an as needed during the summer. During a wet summer it could still need to be mowed frequently

Changing the Mowing Pattern

It's important to change your mowing pattern to reduce compaction of the soil. Riding mowers, while convenient, are heavy and will continually to compact the soil. In less compacted soils, turf roots grow deeper and are less susceptible to heat stress and disease since the water can penetrate deeper into the roots.


If you would like to improve your lawn with proper fertilization, weed control or aeration. Feel free to contact Akron Canton Lawn care today for a free quote.