Lawn Care Fertilization and Weed Control Services in Akron OH

At Akron Canton Lawn Care, we offer lawn care programs to ensure a healthy lawn. We offer 5 or 6 application programs. Either program offers only premium fertilizer and weed control with 2 applications of crabgrass control to ensure you will not have crabgrass. We have additional services offered throughout the year like pest control, grub control, lawn core aeration and overseeding.

Each application focuses on what Akron Ohio residents encounter on their property throughout the year based on our climate. We are able to customize a program and adjust those applications during the season to ensure effective results are always achieved. One thing to keep in mind, in order to maintain your lush lawn and keep weeds out. Frequent applications are highly recommended as it provides a consistent source of fertilizer and weed control.

With our extensive client base, our state certified technicians we offer the same kind of treatments that are applied at golf courses for great results. We believe the reason we continue to be successful is due to our expertise and professionalism on every yard. Akron Canton Lawn Care understands the importance of communicating the advantages and benefits of each application. The advantage of scheduling regular applications is that it provides our technicians access to your lawn to evaluate any issues with your lawn in a timely effective manner. Not only are you able to stay ahead of any problems before they cause damage to your lawn, you are ultimately saving money from having costly repairs.

We are consistently evaluating your lawn with each visit and looking for signs of various fungal diseases and any insect issues in Akron OH. So we can provide an accurate diagnosis and create a customized lawn program to provide solutions for those issue that might arise, along with your regular fertilization and weed control.

We offer 100% satisfaction guarantee and you can cancel at anytime.

Ready to take the next step?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
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Ready to find out more?

Would you like to learn more about Fertilization and Weed Control? Follow this link to find out more.

| Lawn Care in Akron, OH | 44333 | 44301 | 44302 | 44303 | 44304 | 44305 | 44306 | 44307 | 44308 | 44310 | 44311 | 44312 | 44313 |44314 | 44319 | 44320 | 44321 |