Why choose an Akron Canton Lawn Care Service program?


Every Lawn Needs Adequate Care in Order to Thrive in the Uniontown & Green OH area.

Without regular maintenance, turf conditions will always deteriorate. When your lawn does not receive proper care, weeds will begin to take over. The best weed control is a thick healthy lawn always as the first line of defense.

It is essential to follow an annual lawn care program that promotes deep root growth, fights weeds, provides proper proportions of nutrients, addresses insect infestations and lawn diseases in order to promote and maintain a healthy, green and vibrant lawn.


Akron Canton Lawn Care Saves Time & Money & Over DIY Lawn Care

Most of our clients find that they save not only time but money by contracting with us for their lawn care treatment needs. The cost for a single homeowner to purchase bagged lawn care chemicals are high and not to the grade of professional products.

Homeowners also face a dilemma when choosing the right products and amendments to address the specific issues found in their lawns. Many don't realize that in order for manufacturers to sell the all-in-one bagged products (and keep the vast majority of buyers happy), they need to combine a wide variety of components into each program application, and some of these products may not be suited for your lawn. Conversely, the combination weed and feed product may be missing a component crucial for the successful growth and health of your lawn. Furthermore residential products by law are at a lower grade than what a state licensed applicator can buy.

Homeowners either end up unknowingly paying for and applying products to their lawns unnecessarily (making these do-it-yourself combination bagged programs less environmentally friendly and much more costly) or miss the opportunity to apply the right mix of fertilizer and insect control that can provide proper nutrition for the soil and both the root and leaves of the turf itself.

State Certified Applicators in Uniontown & Green Ohio

Akron Canton Lawn Care state certified lawn care technicians are specially trained in the identification and correction of lawn nutrient deficiencies, insect and weed infestations and lawn diseases. We tailor each of our lawn care programs specifically for your lawn (e.g. adding shady lawn treatments to the appropriate areas of your lawn) and apply only the chemicals and nutrients necessary to promote, encourage and maintain healthy turf. We follow a set of strict environmental standards and best practices to minimize the ecological impact of our lawn care services in the Green and Uniontown Ohio area.

Core Aeration: Using the Right Tools at the Appropriate Time

Our popular core aeration services and overseeding in the Green and Uniontown Ohio areas. A property that suffers from soil compaction and/or thatch issues are difficult environments for turfgrass to grow in. Our clay soils are highly prone to such issues and periodic core aeration is one key factor in helping to establish an emerald green lawn that adds great curb appeal and enhances your use of your lawn.

Ohio's summers can leave all but the healthiest lawn needing a bit of reinforcement. Signs of a lawn that needs additional seeding in the fall may include bare spots, thinning and sometimes opportunistic weed growth in your yard. Akron Canton Lawn Care uses core aeration and overseeding with our premium grass seed. Core aeration seeding is the best method to ensure seed contact with the soil, which is required for proper growth.

Regionally Formulated Lawn Care Programs Designed for Green and Uniontown Ohio Lawns

Akron Canton Lawn Care's regionally formulated and seasonally adjusted products ensure our clients obtain a healthy, disease free and vibrant lawn that can withstand regional stress such as extreme heat, drought conditions and cold winter weather.

Ready to take the next step?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Ready to find out more?

Would you like to learn more about Fertilization and Weed Control? Follow this link to find out more.

| Lawn Care Service Green, OH | Uniontown, OH | 44685 | 44216 | 44312 | 44319 | 44720 | 44630 |