Core Lawn Aeration in Hinckley & Medina Ohio

Akron Canton Lawn Care is offering lawn core aeration in Medina and Hinckley Ohio. Lawn aeration is a great important service available for your lawn. Core Aeration is completed with commercial equipment that removes thousands of plugs of soil from your soil and turf. This allows nutrients, air, water and fertilizer to get to the roots of your lawn. Core aeration will develop new open growth pockets for roots and helps in the decomposition of thatch in the turf. If the thatch layer gets over ½ inch thick it starts to deteriorate the lawn. The thatch blocks water and nutrients from getting to the grass and essentially starts to suffocate the turfgrass. The biggest benefits of core aeration is it eliminates soil compaction.


Soil Compaction In The Lawn

When the turf is compacted fertilizer, water and nutrients runoff the lawn instead of soaking in to give you a healthy and beautiful looking lawn. Also it does help drainage issues on your lawn. It is difficult to get grass to grow well in very compacted soil. When you have a healthy, lush, dense and green lawn it will be more capable to handle heat stress & drought that you can experience in the summer.

Lawn Aeration Frequency

It's always recommended to do core aeration every year on your lawn. Greens keepers at golf courses know it's the best thing to do to have a visually appealing and healthier lawn. Golf courses do core aeration multiple times a year because they understand the great benefits it will provide. We use top of the line commercial aerating equipment to pull deep cores to provide you a far superior result.

Akron Canton Lawn Care also offers overseeding services in Medina & Hinckley OH. The time to overseed is when you have just had your lawn aerated. It is a great inexpensive way to reseed your turf to keep it thick, healthy and looking great year round. Also overseeding will fill in any bare or thinning spots you may have in your lawn.


Ready to get started?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Ready to find out more?

Would you like to learn more about Aeration? Follow this link to find out more.

| Lawn Aeration | Medina, OH | 44233 | 44256  | Hinckley, OH |