Fertilization Company

Coventry Ohio here are some tips for defeating crabgrass

Defeating Stubborn Crabgrass In Coventry Township OH

In the effort to have a healthy beautiful lawn, crabgrass can be a tough opponent in Coventry Twp OH. This weed gets its name from the way that it sprawls from one central root across the ground on your lawn, keeping a low profile like the invader that it is. But if you are armed with some great knowledge, a plan, and the right weapons, this stubborn rooting grass can be beaten.


Crabgrass is a warm-season annual weed that grows everywhere in Ohio. It is native to Europe but was unfortunately imported to North America as forage. It thrives in areas that absorb heat, such as right next to driveways, curbs, sidewalks and south-facing areas in the lawn. Crabgrass grows very quickly in hot and dry conditions. It loves compacted soils and clay. It usually forms into mats that smothers more desirable grasses and more often than not steals nutrients.

Crabgrass reproduces by aggressively spreading seeds all over your lawn. It germinates in the spring once the soil has warmed up to at least 55-60 degrees for a week. The weed grows through the summer, produces seeds and then drops them, then dies off with the first hard frost. In fact, before dying in the fall, a single weed can distribute thousands of seeds which will germinate in the following year.


The best weapon you have against crabgrass is a thick, healthy fertilized lawn, which will provide a dark canopy of grass blades over any crabgrass seeds and prevent them from sprouting. There are a several things that you can do achieve this other than fertilizing, like reduce soil compaction and core aerate your lawn, mow high and water thoroughly.

Reseeding & Overseed: Thin or weed-damaged areas should be reseeded in the fall. The warm days, cool nights and morning dews make this the best time of the year for putting down grass seed and will help crowd out crabgrass.


If you haven’t done the kind of maintenance as mentioned above, or if your neighbor hasn’t and seeds from his crabgrass spread to your lawn constantly, there are preventive steps you can take to deal with the crabgrass waiting to germinate and take over your lawn.
Most importantly, you want to treat the lawn before the seedlings have a chance to sprout. You can do this by applying a pre-emergent treatment, which is a crabgrass preventer, in the spring. This treatment creates a barrier at the surface of the soil in your lawn. As the seeds begin germinating, they take in the herbicide and then die.


You can reclaim your lawn from the scourge of crabgrass by following the above instructions. When you start with good seed, and keep building up the soil, you’ll soon have a great canopy of green grass that will be much easier to maintain.

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Richfield Ohio residents ask, Can my lawn effect my homes resale value?

Your lawn will effect your homes resale value in Richfield OH

Americans Love their Lawns and how Important it is to a Resale Value

According to the survey commissioned by the National Association of Landscape Professionals and conducted by Harris Poll, eighty-three percent of Americans think having a great lawn is important. Here are a few of the insights about the value of our lawns and backyards in Richfield Ohio.
Your neighborhood landscaping is important. Americans (91%) want to live in an area where they can see and or walk to nice landscaping. So if you want the best chance of increasing the price of your home in your neighborhood, make sure the landscaping looks great.

Nice landscaping helps to sell your house quickly in Richfield Ohio. Eighty-four percent say that the quality of a home’s landscaping would affect their decision about whether or not to buy the property. Great neighborhood landscaping helps, but it isn’t enough; yours needs to look great also.
Your neighbors care what your landscape looks like. Seventy-one percent think it is important that their neighbors have well-maintained yards.

Enjoying your yard

Perhaps “good landscaping makes good neighbors” should be the new angle.
We want to enjoy our yards. Seventy-five percent of people feel that it is important to spend time outside.
Despite a common misperceptions, even Millennials want to spend time in their yards. Seventy-five percent of Millennials (18–34 year olds) think spending time outside in their yards is very important.

People want help with their landscape. A large majority of Americans (67%) agree that professional landscaper or lawn care service would help would allow them to have a better yard.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
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Clinton, Ohio Know why you should get the leaves off the lawn

Why You Should We Get Leaves Off Our Lawns in Clinton Ohio

Cleaning Up Leaves

Leaves are always the symbol of the fall season in Clinton OH. Even though it is fun romping in the leaves, or looking at the fall leaves color on
the trees, picking up the leaves in your yard is not quite as much fun. It is however, an important part of good lawn care and maintenance. So what do you need to know about cleaning up fall leaves and what effect it can have on your lawn?

Why should we remove fall leaves Clinton OH

There are several reasons why removing the leaves from your lawn is so important to the lawns success and why it should be completed. The first is that it is very healthy for your lawn to clean them up. Leaves lying on your grass will block out sunlight, and potentially hurt the life and health of your lawn. The second is that the more you procrastinate on getting rid of the leaves, the longer it will take, and a bigger job it will eventually become. So make it your goal to eradicate the leaves on the lawn multiple times in the fall.

When leaves start falling, blow, rake or bag them off the lawn. Making sure your yard is free of leaves not only improves the appearance, but influences the health of your lawn. Leaves compromise the lawn needs in the fall as it stores up food for its winter nap.
No matter the reason it is clear that keeping leaves off of your lawn, is an important part of proper lawn care.

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Jackson Township Ohio residents, here’s how you can stripe your lawn like a pro!

Lawn Mowing Striping Like a Professional in Jackson Township Ohio

Mowing Technique

Lawn striping is a simple lawn mowing technique that leaves your lawn looking professionally manicured in Jackson Twp OH. Stripes are a great touch and enhance the aesthetic appearance of sports turf, golf courses and residential lawns. Striping methods can be used to create designs into lawns – simple checkerboard and diamond designs can have dramatic effects and more complex patterns will create a great look.

Stripes are a visual effect caused by laying or the bending the grass leaf blades over as you mow your lawn in opposite directions. Reflecting sunlight gives the look of alternating light and dark green stripes. The grass blades that are bending in the direction you are mowing will appear as light green stripes and the blades bent toward you will look to be a darker shade of green. Lawn striping are not created by using special fertilizer techniques, different heights of cutting, painting different colors of green or using different types of grass species.

Any mower can create stripes, the tires and deck will bend grass in the direction that it travels – some machines will stripe better than others. The best stripes are made with mowers that are commercial grade.

Grass-Types: cool seasons grasses- Kentucky bluegrass, fescues and perennial ryegrass – will stripe much better than warm seasons grasses. Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass stripes the best. Unfortunately most warm-season grasses will not stripe very well or not at all. It is possible to stripe some warm-season grasses with much extra effort. Bermuda grass overseeded with perennial ryegrass will stripe nicely mixed. Zoysia and bermuda should be mowed every few of days to accomplish and keep a good stripe – often you will have to ‘burn’ the stripes in by mowing the lawn in the same direction several times and this is not so good for the lawn – it tends to make wheel ruts and create soil compaction.

Picking Patterns

Mowing in straight lines. The key to good stripes and making patterns is mowing in straight lines on the lawn.

The first pass always the most important – it serves as a guide for the following passes to come. Small curves will get bigger as you continue to mow so straighten crooked lines right away by re-mowing that stripe. Start by picking the greatest distance for your first pass or splitting the lawn right down in the middle.

Tip: When mowing long distances – pick a landmark straight ahead of you and focus in on it. You will tend to veer in the direction you look so keep your head forward.

Practice lawn maintenance and your stripe patterns will stand out. Healthy lush lawns with a dark green color will produce stripes that really show up.
Cut higher and follow good mowing practices. Longer grass has more leaf area to lay down – reflect more light – and will always produce better stripes.

The Direction Of The Sun And Striping in Jackson Township OH

Depending on the direction of the sun hits the grass can be a factor. At certain times of day your stripes will show up better – sometimes the angle of the sun makes them invisible. The place you are viewing the lawn from will also determine how well they will show. Consider light direction and viewing points when making your pattern – this usually requires a little trial and error before getting it right.

Avoid excessive wear and tire damage when making your turns – try to make slow and wide turns – sharp, hard turns will damage your lawn. Tight 180 degree turns can rip and bruise the grass and cause compaction or excessive tire wear. Start your turns away from the next pass and then make a wide, sweeping turn that finishes in line with on the next pass – or make a 3-point Y turn. Your clean up laps will erase the turn around marks on the edges.
High lift blades for rotary mowers also can help. They create suction that stands the grass blades up for a great cut and then the mower deck or rollers will lay the grass down creating a nice striping. Remember to always to use sharp blades.

Frequent cuttings, double cutting or even going back and just rolling the lawn with your blades disengaged will intensify stripes.
Many professionals consider stripes to be a sign of quality. With practice and a little creativity your lawn will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Ready to find out more?

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North Canton, Ohio residents ask, what can a healthy lawn do for me?

In North Canton Ohio You will be surprised what a healthy lawn can do for you

A well maintained lawn can help to provide a healthy, pleasant environment for you, your family and your community in North Canton OH. Here are some interesting facts about lawns that you may not be aware of and will be glad you learned about in North Canton OH:

• A 50' x 50' healthy lawn will produce enough daily oxygen for a family of four.
• Grass is a natural air conditioner by absorbing the suns heat it creates.
• Grass cleans the air, absorbing pollutants and returns pure oxygen in exchange to the air.
• A healthy green lawn naturally deters allergy-causing weed pollen.
• Biting and stinging insects are found less often in lawns that are in good health and are free of weeds.
• Noises are reduced in areas where lawns are present. Because soft surfaces absorb sound, while hard surfaces reflect it.
Thick turf filters surface water before it returns to ground water supply.
• Grass is as a natural barrier for soil erosion caused by wind and water.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
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How to look for lawn care companies if you live in Barberton or Norton, OH

Lawn Care Service Estimates In Barberton & Norton Ohio

When you are looking on the internet for lawn care in Barberton or Norton Ohio, do you expect a free lawn care estimate? The answer is simple, Yes. As a lawn care service provider, Akron Canton Lawn Care will suggest services you may have overlooked or had not known existed that will be the best for you and your property.
As a consumer you should really shop for the best estimate and service provider. Who would not want the greatest lawn care service for the best price available? There are some really great and honest services, you just need to keep searching until you find one that you are comfortable with and satisfies all your needs.

Lawn care companies in Norton and Barberton OH usually have a structured system when giving an estimates on your property. Just like with anything some may seem lower or higher than you would have expected. Just be careful with estimates that are at either end of the spectrum. You want a quote for something that you want a professional look for. But you just don't have time to take care of it for yourself or can't physically handle the property maintenance yourself anymore.
One thing will always remain constant is the cost of living. Many providers are fair and need to make a living, but there are those who will try to push it too far. Even some are just learning as they go and will make irreversible mistakes on your lawn.

As a lawn care business, we always continue making attempts with customers to provide a better service. When receiving an free estimate from a lawn care company or any service, remember the old saying “You get what you pay for”.

Ready to find out more?

Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
(330) 933-2222 
or click the Contact Us button to send us an email.

Tip for Fairlawn, Ohio residents on growing grass in shaded areas

Growing Grass in Shady Areas in Fairlawn Ohio

Shade Lawns

If you have a lawn with shady areas in Fairlawn OH, you may find it very difficult to grow grass in those areas. This is one of the most common problems with lawns in Fairlawn OH. Grass needs at the very least 4 hours of sunlight a day to be able to grow. The shortage of sun on the lawn will impact on the photosynthesis process. The grass cannot get enough energy it needs to grow. This will result in reduce of vigor and the grasses cannot resist disease, stress, insects or weather condition that change.

You can improve the situation by trimming some of nearby shrubs and trees to let in more sun into the grass. Cut down tree branches as much as possible, as long as it does not destroy the beauty of the tree and the landscape. Before planting new trees, consider the number of existing trees, the density of those trees, and the light intensity decreased by the new trees planted. Keep in mind that shade trees should be planted 50 to 100 feet apart. This will also assist in getting water to the grass which is obviously another important part of its health.

Shade Tolerant Grass

Fine fescue and bluegrass are very tolerant shade species of grass. Fine fescue can grow good in shaded areas that are dry. Bluegrass prefers a constantly wet soil. For moderately shady areas, tall fescue may tolerate the conditions also.

Growing grass in shady areas is very possible if the basic requirements for its growth is known and clearly understood. The competition of the 3 factors being water, nutrients, and light. The fundamental cause of grass growing failure under shady conditions. To improve grass in shaded areas, please follow all the guidelines above because they are all important and have a critical role in keeping the grass in shaded areas looking good and healthy.

If there are areas that are just too challenging to get sun and water to, they could always be turned into a flower bed. Then plant drought resistant plants that enjoy shade or even go with a shade loving ground cover plant..

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Tips For Watering Your Lawn In Canton, Ohio

Watering the Lawn

Tips on watering your lawn in Canton Ohio

You should be watering for 30-40 minutes per section 2-3 times per week in Canton OH. This gives your lawn a good
deep root watering every time. This allows the water to seep all the way down to the root system and promotes deep root growth. This also will ensure that the lawn is getting the proper amounts of nutrients that it needs. You only need to water a few times a week when you water for long periods. The lawn will take a longer period of time for the soil to dry out.

Busting Myths

It is a common myth that the more water is always better. This is not the case, the more water in your lawn the more issues you can be bringing to your lawn. By using so much water your lawn you run the risk of leaving moisture in the lawn encouraging fungal growth, or you could flood the lawn with water and wash away nutrients that the lawn needs to survive.

Especially in the Summer when the lawn can be under an enormous amount of heat stress in Canton Ohio. The last thing the lawn needs is our cultural practices adding to the stress and making more problems. For example, if your mowing the lawn with a mower with dull blades that are not cutting the lawn properly and will cause the blades of grass to become jagged and those jagged edges are what creates a better opening for the disease to enter into your lawn. Or mowing the lawn to short and scalping can cause browning and thinning of the grass making the lawn more of a target for lawn disease, weeds, and insect damage.

A full, thick lawn is always the best defense to all these lawn problems.
If you start to notice your grass suffering from heat stress you should focus on cultural practices. Make sure you have a proper and effective schedule for watering. Also, make sure the lawn is being mowed at the proper height and with sharp blades. If your grass does become dormant because of the weather and you begin to water, you need to then continually water the lawn regularly.

The lawn uses up its food reserve in the root system to become active again. You need to give it the time that it needs to regain that reserve and not cause further stress. Please do remember that a great healthy lawn takes time and patience. In some cases, it could take a lawn up to a month to start showing signs of “life” again and green up. It is greatly recommended to reseed your lawn after the drought and heat stress has subsided in the Fall months. For a wonderful landscape it is important to keep up with rejuvenating the grass, and keeping your lawn young to fight off the stresses a lawn will endure.

Ready to find out more?

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Know Your Soil Types In Green, Ohio

Types of Soil in Green Ohio

Different areas across the USA, as well as across Green Ohio, have different soil types. Soil type affects how grass will grow, the type of watering practices to follow, as well other factors. To better understand the lawn, it is very important to understand the soil it grows in. There are six different types of soil in Green OH:

Sandy Soils
Sandy soil can be problematic because of its texture. It is composed of large particles that are dry and gritty to the touch. Sandy soils have poor water retention because water drains through it easily. This type of soil is airy and lacks essential nutrients, prohibiting growth to many plants.

Clay Soils
Clay soil is composed of fine particles that are smooth when they are dry, when wet it can be sticky. It retains water well but drains water very poorly which can be problematic during spring time rains. Clay soils are also compacted and have little space for air to pass through. Clay soil is however rich in nutrients.

Loamy Soils
Loamy soil is a mixture of sandy, silty, and clay soils. It drains water well and it retains water and nutrients. Loamy is a fertile soil that is soft and crumbles easily and well aerated. It is a very easy soil that works great for agricultural purposes.

Silty Soils
Silty soil is made of small particles that are not grainy or rocky. When wet, silty soil is slippery and will retain water well. This soil is very good for agriculture purposes because it is extremely fertile but is easily compacted.

Chalky Soils
Chalky soil is light in color and composed of stony like particles. It is poor in nutrients and will get warm and severely dry out in the summer months. Chalky soil is very rich in lime and is alkaline.

Peat Soils
Peat soil is dark brown, soft, spongy soil that contains acidic water and is rich in organic matter. It is able to retain water, store nutrients however is not fertile. It does improve soil buffering and is often mixed into soil to improve the structure of other soils.

Know your types of soil

Summing it up, knowing which soil type you have is the key to determine which plants and which type of lawn
will be the best for you. Each type of soil has different benefits and downfalls and cannot be treated the same due to the differences in texture, compaction, as well as water and nutrient retention.

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New Lawn Aeration In Bath, Ohio

Core Aerating in Bath Township Ohio

For decades now professional greens keepers at golf courses have known that the secret to beautiful, dense, lush grass is core aeration.

Core aeration is a lawn care practice that are hidden in plain sight in Bath Ohio. Aeration probably sounds familiar to you or maybe not, but most people have seen core aeration before. Think back to your sports fields in school. Remember all the little plugs of dirt scattered all over the field? Core aeration.

Core aeration is the process of making thousands of small holes and removing plugs from your lawn in Bath OH. The holes greatly reduces thatch and eliminates soil compaction in your lawn. Core aeration allows fertilizer, nutrients, water, fertilizer and air to reach the roots. The holes also create room for new grass seed to get under the surface of the lawn. The result will be new grass growth, as well as dramatically increased root development for the lawn. This creates a big difference in having a thicker, greener, healthier lawn. Core aeration also reduces water runoff, improves resiliency in the turf and improves drought tolerance.

Thatch is healthy and natural occurrence in the lawn. When it becomes over a ½ inch thick it becomes a major problem. Core aeration removes the plugs of soil and thatch from your lawn and deposits them back on the lawn. By plugging holes in the lawn it completely removes thatch in those areas and begins to thin the other areas of thatch in the lawn. As the core plugs melt back into the lawn, the soil mixes with the thatch and speeds up the process of decomposition. The Microbes in the plugs breakdown and start decomposing the other thatch on the lawn that are left behind.

Though some homeowners will try to aerate with spikes, core aeration is done with a gas powered core aerating machine. According to all major studies, using spikes will not work because the process doesn’t pull the plugs out. It just makes small holes in the soil, which doesn’t relieve pressure on your lawn or help with any thatch issues. The small holes will close very quickly and never allow much nutrients, water, air or fertilizer into the soil.

New Lawns And Core Aeration

New lawns need core aeration. Often, because builders just throw down grass seed without doing any prepping your soil. Then you are left with a lawn that has been trampled by heavy machinery and is compacted immediately. If your lawn is compacted, your lawn will be thin and not healthy. It's recommended to aerate your lawn twice a year. Golf courses at the very minimum core aerate at least twice a year and more than not aerate almost monthly.

Should Homeowners Hire a Lawn Care Service for Core Aeration?

In this case, unless you are set on sweating it out on your own lawn, it’s easiest to just hire a lawn care company to do this. If you want to do a DIY, you can rent a core aerator from $100 to $200 plus. To purchase one would cost you more than you want to spend plus the high maintenance they require can be a lot of work. It is best to let the lawn care professionals take care of aeration with their commercial equipment while you sit back and enjoy your beautiful lawn.

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Call Akron Canton Lawn Care Now for your Free Estimate on any of our lawn care services
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